Pricing plans FAQs

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Why do I not receive notification emails from Boost AI Search & Discovery?

Boost AI Search & Discovery will send all notification emails to the store owner’s mailbox as a way we do to protect customer privacy. If you are the store owner and you have never received a notification email, you can consider checking and changing your store owner account email from your Shopify admin. This email address is used to contact you about your Shopify account, and it is separate from the store contact email address that your customers use to contact you.

Do you offer an annual subscription/a one-time payment?

Unfortunately, we have not developed either an annual pricing plan or a plan that accepts a one-time payment. If you love to upgrade your free trial to a paid plan, Boost AI Search & Discovery offers a variety of monthly plans so that you can find one that fits the needs of your business.

What should I do when I have a question about my invoice?

When you have questions or concerns about your invoice, you should contact Shopify to get support as soon as possible. Boost AI Search & Discovery is an app in the Shopify App Store and the app’s charges are processed through Shopify’s merchant invoicing system by Shopify. We don’t receive payment directly from merchants because Shopify handles all transactions and chargebacks after a merchant starts an action that includes a charge.

Do you offer a refund policy?

As we always encourage our users to take advantage of all features 14-day trial period and support at all levels, you can explore and evaluate how Boost AI Search & Discovery can help your business before upgrading to a monthly subscription. 

However, if you decide to stop using our app for whatever reason, you may always ask for a refund for ONE most recent billing cycle.

Should I be concerned about the price change? How can it affect my Shopify store?

The reason behind the price change

These price adjustments are necessary as we want to continue improving the premium quality of our product that our clients are accustomed to, and bringing you new features to meet your needs. 

Despite these changes, the consistency in the quality of Boost AI Search & Discovery is maintained and stressed upon, and integrating new features is guaranteed to help you grow your business.

We understand this is a big change but this is the best way we can do to ensure the best possible results for our clientele. We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.

Our new pricing plans will be different:

Starting on June 30, 2020, our new pricing plans will become effective. Our new pricing plans will have some differences compared to the former plans:

  • We will offer two different pricing plan frames for Shopify stores and Shopify Plus stores.
  • A new system of tiered pricing and price adjustments will be applied.
  • Plan 12.5 (with the number of products up to 12500) will be removed.

For more information about new pricing plans, you can take a look at our plan fees and features.

You can benefit from these changes

If you decide to stay in your current plan, you can keep using the app without taking any action due to our price adjustment. After the price adjustments become effective, new features will be added to the app for all customers who have installed it. Our customers will notice that the quality of Boost AI Search & Discovery will be improved, and some of them will enjoy the availability of premium AWS infrastructure. It is worth noting that you will continue to be billed at the current price.

All plan upgrades made before June 30 will be honored with the old plan price frame, so we encourage you to take advantage of this. You can upgrade to your desired plan and lock in the current price of the plan before June 30, 2020.

When you are subscribing to plan 12.5, you don't have to change your plan after June 30, 2020. Everything in your store will remain unchanged, and you will continue to be billed at the current price of plan 12.5.

The removal of Plan 12.5 only applies to new customers and existing customers who make changes to their plans.

What happens when the plan exceeds?

Our app automatically checks constantly your total product. In case, we detect that it exceeds the current plan, we will send a notification via email and in-app to the store owner.

Do you offer free trial for add-ons?

Yes. In free trial period, you can try all add-ons for free. After that, we do offer free trial for advanced-feature add-ons (AI-Powered Recommendation, AI-powered Search, etc.). However, Analytics will not have free-trial. We will show you the order summary before you decide to subscribe.

Can I change the package later?

Yes. You can change the package anytime later. You can also add or remove add-ons to extend or minimize your package flexibly.

If I downgrade my Shopify plan, for instance, I downgrade it from Shopify Plus to Regular plan, will the Boost plan automatically update as well?

No, unfortunately. As a 3rd-party app working with Shopify, our subscription system operates independently from Shopify, therefore, any changes made to the Shopify plan do not directly impact the Boost Subscription. This means that you are responsible for managing your Boost subscription separately.

To ensure that your Boost plan matches the desired subscription level so that you won't get overcharged, you need to manually update your Boost plan by following the instruction from this article (If you would like to maintain the same Boost Subscription, even though the plan's name is the same, you can notice the difference from its price, please proceed with the instruction and re-subscribe still so the correct price can be updated).

If you have downgraded your Shopify plan or have any questions or concerns about your Boost subscription after changing your Shopify plan, we are here to help! Our dedicated support team is available to provide further assistance and guidance. You can reach out to our support team at

If you have any other questions, we are more than happy to help. Please feel free to contact us via