Subscribe to an add-on

📖 This article will help you learn how to extend your Boost AI Search & Discovery subscription capability by subscribing to add-ons.

On this page

How to subscribe to an add-on

Before subscribing to an add-on, you will notice that all premium features related to that add-on are locked, as shown below:

To subscribe to an add-on, please follow the following steps:

  • Step 1: Go to Boost AI Search & Discovery add-on store at:

(replace with your actual TenantID)

  • Step 2: Select the add-on you'd like to add to your plan.
  • Step 3: Click the call-to-action button. The button's action may vary depending on your plan's status or the add-on's conditions at the time. Please check below for more information:
Call-to-action Description Note
Add to trial Add the add-on to your app trial. Merchants do not need to pay during the app trial period.
  • The app is on a free trial period.
  • Add-ons will have the same trial time as the app.
Start free trial Start add-on trial period.
  • You are paying for the app.
  • The add-on will be on trial.
Subscribe now Pay for the add-on immediately.
  • The add-on does not offer a free trial.
  • The add-on is running out of the free trial period.
  • Step 4: Confirm the subscription.

💡 Before subscribing, you can review the add-on information and subscription details.

After clicking the call-to-action button, you can start using the included features. We will begin charging for the add-on subscription if you do not unsubscribe before the trial ends, without notification.

💪 You can also add add-ons from recommendation widgets on the subscription page, dashboard, and in-app pricing page.

If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via