Translation of Default theme

📖 If you want to translate certain terms (such as View As, Sale/Sold Out badges, etc) to your native language or other languages, you can easily do it with our app's translation setting.

Translation of Default theme

âš  The translations below only work with Default theme labels (view default demo). If your store doesn't use the latest version of our Default theme, some translation fields could be missing; Contact us for support.

On this page:

Case 1: The store uses one language

Go to Tool and select Translation

Select tab Default theme and type in suitable terms.

Click Save.

 You can check the front store for the results.

The store uses one language

Case 2: The store uses multi-languages

Go to Tool and select Translation

Select a suitable language > Switch to the  Default theme tab to get the auto-translation applied. You may manually type the terms to change them into your preferred words. For example, we choose Italian.

Click Save.

You can check on the front store for the results.


💡 If the translation field has HTML characters, such as  {{ count }}{{ term }}, refer to this article.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at