Langshop Integration Guide

📖 Here is the guide we create for Langshop Integration with Boost AI Search & Discovery.

On this page

About Langshop

App Information

Langshop Integration Function

  • Unlock the ability to translate your filter trees and products into preferable languages.

How to integrate Langshop with Boost AI Search & Discovery

This feature only works with Boost AI Search & Discovery V2 and V3. To find out which version of our app your store's current theme is installed with, please follow this article.

How to translate the product item & suggestion

  • After adding the app to your Shopify store, the Sync multiple languages data option will be available on the Sync menu. Please select this option from the dropdown list then click on the Sync multiple languages data button & check your store again.

  • Wait till the sync process is finished and we are good to go!

If your store is not translated after this step, please contact us at for further assistance.

Please be informed that the translation approach currently does not include Tags, Vendors, Types and Metafields

How to translate filter tree

Please refer to the link below to learn how to use the Dynamic Text translate in Langshop app, it gives the ability to translate filter tree:

Translate Dynamic text

Please don't forget to click Sync multiple languages data button again after you make any changes to products' multiple languages setup.

App limitations

💡 While Boost AI Search & Discovery works diligently to ensure compatibility with various third-party apps and services, we have identified some constraints that may impact the full functionality of the Langshop translator integration. These limitations are specific to our app and are not reflective of any shortcomings on the part of Langshop translator.

  1. Limiting number of elements that can be translated automatically

    Only these fields below that can be translated automatically in the Product Item:

    • Product title
    • Product option
    • Product variant
    • Product description

      For other elements: translate manually

      With the element built by the Boost AI Search & Discovery app, you need to add fields manually in Custom tab:

    • Filter tree
    • Toolbar
    • Collection info in Instant Search widget
    • Instant Search widget

      Field with Variants Cannot Be Translated

      A field with variants cannot be translated, even if it is entered in "Custom". In this case, you should go to Translation in the Boost AI Search & Discovery app admin to rename the label as desired.

      For example: {{count}} products

      Unable to translate the following element

    • Metafields
    • Product variant in Recommendation widget

Rest assured, we're actively working on addressing these limitations and improving the integration's performance to provide accurate and comprehensive translations for your store. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we continue to enhance our app's capabilities.

If you encounter any issues during the integration process, please don't hesitate to contact our support team for further assistance at