Add-on free trial

📖 This article will help you learn about add-ons with free trial support and how they work.

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Using Add-Ons During App Free Trial

During the app's free trial period, we align the add-on's free trial with the app's free trial to ensure that you can test all features freely. This means you can add, use, and remove any add-on unlimited times.

However, when the app's free trial ends, the free trial of the add-on you added will also end. Even if you only used the add-on for one or two days, the remaining days will not be saved in this case.

Using Add-Ons When Paying for the App

Boost AI Search & Discovery offers a free trial for certain add-ons, allowing you to test their effectiveness on your store. Please refer to the table below for more details:

Add-on Free Trial
AI-Powered Search 14 days
Visual Merchandising 14 days
AI-Powered Recommendation 14 days
Variant Display Not Offered
Analytics Not Offered

âš  The trial will only be offered once during both the app trial period and when you are paying for the app.

💪 If you remove the add-on during its trial period, the remaining days will be saved. When you add that add-on later, the trial will be restored.

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