Filtering products by location

📖 To better track orders, your customers might want to know where the products they want are located. Boost AI Search & Discovery can help you with setting up a filter for inventory locations on your storefront.

Filtering Products by Using Location

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To create a filter option using locations

To successfully create a filter for locations on your storefront, it is worth noting that you have set up multiple locations in your Shopify store and properly assigned inventory to those locations.

When the processes are complete, to set up a filter for locations on your storefront:

  1. From the app’s dashboard, go to Filter > Manage filter trees
  2. Select the filter tree that you want to set up a filter for locations
  3. Click Add filter option
  4. In the drop-down of Option Type, select Locations
  5. Fill in how you want the filter to appear on your storefront in the Option label section
  6. Customize other settings to your liking

  1. In the drop-down of Option values
    • Select Location with available inventory for sale online when you want your customers to be able to narrow down their product search with places where online orders can be fulfilled
    • Select All locations if you want the filter to have all types of places where you manage or stock inventory (warehouses, retail stores, dropshippers, popups, etc.)
    • Select Manual when you want the filter to have specific locations
  2. Edit the Excluded values section when needed
  3. Save on the Edit filter option page
  4. Save on the Filter options page
  5. Check how the new filter option applies to your storefront

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at