For Dev - Display Type Customization (App Lib V2)

This instruction is appropriate for App Lib V2 only. The app lib V3 associated documents will be available soon. Please contact us for further assistance.

1. Functions to override

Override function in boost-pfs-filter.js:

  • ProductDisplayType.prototype.compileTemplate
  • ProductDisplayType.prototype.bindEvents (optional, if you don't use <a> tags on display type elements, then you need to rebind events)
// For Toolbar - Build Display type
	ProductDisplayType.prototype.compileTemplate = function () {
		var itemHtml = '<span>' + boostPFSThemeConfig.label.toolbar_viewas + '</span>';
		// Your code here
		return itemHtml;
  • itemHtml: the display type HTML rebuilt based on the data
  • Utils.buildToolbarLink('display', 'list', 'grid'): build an URL with the display param changed from list value to grid value

2. Example use case

In boost-pfs-filter.js we read the boostPFSTemplate.sortingHtml variable, and rebuilds sorting's HTML

// For Toolbar - Build Display type
	ProductDisplayType.prototype.compileTemplate = function () {
		var itemHtml = '<span>' + boostPFSThemeConfig.label.toolbar_viewas + '</span>';
		// Build URLs with different "display" param, but keep every other params the same
		itemHtml += '<a href="' + Utils.buildToolbarLink('display', 'list', 'grid') + '" title="Grid view" class="{{class.productDisplayType}}-item {{class.productDisplayType}}-grid" data-view="grid"><span class="icon-fallback-text"></span></a>';
		itemHtml += '<a href="' + Utils.buildToolbarLink('display', 'grid', 'list') + '" title="List view" class="{{class.productDisplayType}}-item {{class.productDisplayType}}-list" data-view="list"><span class="icon-fallback-text"></span></a>';
		itemHtml = itemHtml.replace(/{{class.productDisplayType}}/g, Class.productDisplayType);

		return itemHtml;
	// Bind display type event
	ProductDisplayType.prototype.bindEvents = function() {
		jQ(Selector.topDisplayType + ' a').on('click', onClickDisplayType.bind(this));
	function onClickDisplayType(event) {
		Globals.internalClick = true;
		// Update the active item
		var $targetEl = jQ(event.currentTarget);
		var displayValue = $'display');
		if (displayValue) {
			FilterApi.setParam('display', displayValue);
		} else {
			var newUrl = $targetEl.attr('href');
		// Apply filter