For Dev - Pagination Customization (App Lib V2)

This instruction is appropriate for App Lib V2 only. The app lib V3 associated documents will be available soon. Please contact us for further assistance.

1. Functions to override

Override functions in boost-pfs-filter.js

  • ProductPaginationDefault.prototype.compileTemplate
  • ProductPaginationDefault.prototype.bindEvents (optional, if you don't use <a> tags on pagination element, then you need to rebind events)
ProductPaginationDefault.prototype.compileTemplate = function(totalProduct) {
	// Print all the data fields in pagination

	if (!totalProduct) totalProduct = this.totalProduct;
	// Get page info
	var currentPage = parseInt(;
	var totalPage = Math.ceil(totalProduct / Globals.queryParams.limit);
	// If it has only one page, clear Pagination
	if (totalPage <= 1) return '';
	// Get Template
	var paginationHtml = boostPFSTemplate.paginateHtml;
	// Get the theme settings
	var themeSettings = boostPFSThemeConfig;
	// You custom code here

	return paginationHtml;

ProductPaginationDefault.prototype.bindEvents = function() {
	this.$element.on('click', function(){
		// Print all the data fields in pagination
  • paginationHtml: the paginaiton HTML rebuilt based on the data
  • boostPFSTemplate: the HTML template declared at the end of sections/collection-template.liquid or sections/collection-template-boost-pfs-filter.liquid
  • boostPFSThemeConfig: the theme config, declared at the end of sections/collection-template.liquid or sections/collection-template-boost-pfs-filter.liquid

2. Example use case

Go to snippets/boost-pfs-filter-html.liquid file, find the Pagination Template as below:

  • previousActiveHtml : the previous button when it is active (current page is greater than 1)
  • previousDisabledHtml : the previous button when it is disabled (current page is greater than 1)
  • nextActiveHtml : the next button when it is active (current page is not the last page)
  • previousDisabledHtml : the next button when it is disabled (current page is the last page)
  • pageItemHtml : the page numbers when it is not selected.
  • pageItemSelectedHtml : the page numbers when it is selected.
  • pageItemRemainHtml : three dots to show that there are a lot of pages.
  • paginateHtml : the container of Pagination.

These fields are assigned to boostPFSTemplate JS variable at the end of collection-template-boost-pfs-filter.liquid

In boost-pfs-filter.js we read the boostPFSTemplate.paginateHtml variable, and rebuilds pagination's HTML after filtering:

// Build Pagination
  ProductPaginationDefault.prototype.compileTemplate = function (totalProduct) {
       if (!totalProduct) totalProduct = this.totalProduct;
       // Get page info
       var currentPage = parseInt(;
       var totalPage = Math.ceil(totalProduct / Globals.queryParams.limit);
       // If it has only one page, clear Pagination
       if (totalPage <= 1) {
         return '';

       var paginationHtml = boostPFSTemplate.paginateHtml;
       // Build Previous
       var previousHtml = (currentPage > 1) ? boostPFSTemplate.previousActiveHtml : boostPFSTemplate.previousDisabledHtml;
       previousHtml = previousHtml.replace(/{{itemUrl}}/g, Utils.buildToolbarLink('page', currentPage, currentPage - 1));
       paginationHtml = paginationHtml.replace(/{{previous}}/g, previousHtml);
       // Build Next
       var nextHtml = (currentPage < totalPage) ? boostPFSTemplate.nextActiveHtml : boostPFSTemplate.nextDisabledHtml;
       nextHtml = nextHtml.replace(/{{itemUrl}}/g, Utils.buildToolbarLink('page', currentPage, currentPage + 1));
       paginationHtml = paginationHtml.replace(/{{next}}/g, nextHtml);
       // Create page items array
       var beforeCurrentPageArr = [];
       for (var iBefore = currentPage - 1; iBefore > currentPage - 3 && iBefore > 0; iBefore--) {
       if (currentPage - 4 > 0) {
       if (currentPage - 4 >= 0) {
       var afterCurrentPageArr = [];
       for (var iAfter = currentPage + 1; iAfter < currentPage + 3 && iAfter <= totalPage; iAfter++) {
       if (currentPage + 3 < totalPage) {
       if (currentPage + 3 <= totalPage) {
       // Build page items
       var pageItemsHtml = '';
       var pageArr = beforeCurrentPageArr.concat(afterCurrentPageArr);
       for (var iPage = 0; iPage < pageArr.length; iPage++) {
	 if (pageArr[iPage] == '...') {
	    pageItemsHtml += boostPFSTemplate.pageItemRemainHtml;
	 } else {
	    pageItemsHtml += (pageArr[iPage] == currentPage) ? boostPFSTemplate.pageItemSelectedHtml : boostPFSTemplate.pageItemHtml;
       pageItemsHtml = pageItemsHtml.replace(/{{itemTitle}}/g, pageArr[iPage]);
       pageItemsHtml = pageItemsHtml.replace(/{{itemUrl}}/g, Utils.buildToolbarLink('page', currentPage, pageArr[iPage]));
       paginationHtml = paginationHtml.replace(/{{pageItems}}/g, pageItemsHtml);
       return paginationHtml;