For dev - Instant Search API


Suggestion/Instant Search API lets you query the products based on the search query. This API serves the Instant Search Box of the front store.

What can you do with Filter & Search API?

GET /bc-sf-filter/search/suggest

Retrieve collections and products for instant search for a particular store.


GET /bc-sf-filter/search/suggest

Retrieve collections and products for a particular store based on request params and search queries.

Request params

Param Description

The store name of the current request. E.g: 



Search Query String 



Excluded the search fields

Allowed values:

  • [] (default)
  • ['body_html']
event_type The event when this request is triggered. The API only returns the event_type based on the request param
call_back The callback function for JSONP request. If no call_back param is included. The API returns pure JSON

Returns up to this many page type results per page

(default: 3, maximum: 10)


Returns up to this many collection type results per page

(default: 3, maximum: 10)


Returns up to this many product type results per page

(default: 5, maximum: 10)


Returns up to this many suggestion type results per page

(default: 4, maximum: 10)


Returns up to this many 'did you mean' type results per page

(default: 3, maximum: 5)


Returns products by available status

Allowed values:

  • true
  • false (default)

Returns products with variant available status. In Shopify, a product might have property available set to true but one of their variants' available might be false.

Allowed values:

  • true
  • false (default)

Returns products by the display scope of the products. Accept string or array values.

Allowed values:

  • global
  • Global
  • web
  • ['global', 'Global', 'web'] (default)

Returns products by the collections the products belong to.  The integer value is required.

(default: 0)

product_type Filter results by product type.
vendor Filter results by the product vendor.

Filter results by tags. Accept string or array values.

Note: For any tag value, the API filter results by exact tag value and its lowercase value. For array value, the API uses the OR condition.

E.g: For an array of tag = ['Apple', 'Samsung', 'lg'], the API filters results with the following values ['Apple', 'apple,'] OR ['Samsung', 'samsung'] OR ['lg']


Whether to use OR or AND condition for the tag search

Allowed values

  • 1: AND
  • 2: OR (default)

Skip the results with specific tags. Accept string or array values. For array value, the API uses the OR condition.

E.g: For an array of h_options = ['bad', 'out'], the API skips the products with the tag pfs:hidden:bad OR pfs:hidden:out.


Sort products first with one of the following fields before applying the above sorting of sort param.

Allowed values:

  • available
  • extra_sort1
  • extra_sort2
  • extra_sort3
  • false (default)

Sort First in Ascending or Descending.

Allowed values:

  • asc
  • desc (default)
sort Add sort param to change the sorting of product list in the instant search.

Filter results by a specific translated language.

Allowed values:

  • false (default)
  • tl1: Translated Language 1
  • tl2: Translated Language 2

Enable the fuzziness search based on the search query param or not.

Allowed values:

  • false: Require Exact match
  • true: Enable fuzziness at 2 characters (default)
  • 1: Enable fuzziness at 1 character only
  • 2: Enable fuzziness at 2 characters

E.g: If fuzzy=1, a search term like 'boots' will match the following documents that have the words like 'boats', 'books', etc. If fuzzy=2, a search term like 'bear' will match the documents that have the words 'been', 'benz', etc. If fuzzy=false, requires exact match of the search term.


Reduces the min match requirements in the search query

Allowed values:

  • false (default): results to 85% match
  • true: results to 50% match
  • An Integer Number: requires min match exact this number

Filter the results that match all the words in search query.

Allowed values:

  • false (default)
  • true

E.g: If full_min_match=true, and the search query is "Bat Man Hero", the API will look for all the documents that have 3 words "bat", "man", "hero". Otherwise, the API will use the default min match value, which is 85% of search query or reduce_min_match param value.

boost Whether to sort the results with the boost field. In order for this param to work correctly, a custom function is required to calculate the boost value per products.
re_run_if_typo (updated with new search 14/02/2023)

Run query suggestion again with fixed typo query if given param q is return 0 product.


  • store enable search version 2 and typo service is ready for this store
  • param q satisfy word length condition for typo Search flow
  • first query with given @param q return 0 product
  • typo service return at least one fixed query

Allowed values:

  • false (default): api use typo result to generate @response did_you_mean
  • true: api will trigger run suggestion with first value of typo result, this value is assigned to response correct_query

Response Properties

Param Description Note

'total_product': 1

Total Product Returned


'error': 'not_found'

This property error is returned only when having any error


'products': [

product item 1,

product item 2,



A list of products

View Product Properties


'pages': [


'handle': 'how-rc-works', // Handle of the page/article

'id': 52309858852, // Id of the collection

'title': 'How the RC Works' // Title of the page/article

'url': '/blogs/how-to/how-rc-works' // Full path of page/article



A list of pages/articles


'collections': [


"handle": "simple-top", // Handle of the collection

"id": 43309858852, // Id of the collection

"title": "Simple Top" // Title of the collection



A list of collections


'suggestions': [

'top', 'shirt'


A list of search suggestions for end user


'did_you_mean': [



A list of did you mean words that we suppose the customer has typed some wrong characters


'query': 'bottom'

Returns the query based on the prev_query param


'prev_query': 'botto'

Returns the prev_query based on the prev_query param for frontend logic requirement

correct_query (updated with new search 14/02/2023) value use to run suggestion again after typo service return the fixed query

"scoped_suggestions": {

"mix dress": {

"categories": [



"vendors": [




"product_types": [




"categories": [





"purple mix dress": {},

"mesh mix dress": {}


If the applyScopedSuggestion feature flag is enabled

Response Example


"total_product": 1,

"from_cache": false,

"products": [


"id": 8584719122,

"available": true,

"title": "Intelligent Linen Chair",

"body_html": "",

"vendor": "Hermes",

"product_type": "Dresses",

"handle": "intelligent-linen-chair",

"created_at": "2016-12-10T19:33:22-05:00",

"updated_at": "2017-10-14T00:38:31-04:00",

"published_at": "2016-12-10T19:33:03-05:00",

"published_scope": "web",

"template_suffix": null,

"tags": [




"price_min": 58,

"price_max": 146,

"compare_at_price_min": null,

"compare_at_price_max": null,

"percent_sale_min": 0,

"synced_at_v2": 1550862995,

"images": {

"1": "",

"2": ""


"images_info": [


"id": 17677375442,

"position": 1,

"src": "",

"width": 762,

"height": 1100



"id": 17677375506,

"position": 2,

"src": "",

"width": 762,

"height": 1100



"collections": [


"id": 357407890,

"handle": "tops",

"title": "Tops",

"featured": false,

"sort_value": "0000000022"



"id": 34592456740,

"handle": "all",

"title": "Collection All",

"featured": false,

"sort_value": "0000000259"



"options_with_values": [


"name": "size",

"label": "Size",

"values": [


"title": "S",

"image": null



"title": "M",

"image": null



"title": "XL",

"image": null



"title": "XXL",

"image": null





"name": "color",

"label": "Color",

"values": [


"title": "Yellow",

"image": null





"variants": [


"available": true,

"merged_options": [




"image": null,

"id": 28652161170,

"title": "S / Yellow",

"sku": "",

"barcode": "",

"inventory_management": null,

"inventory_policy": "deny",

"inventory_quantity": 7,

"price": "85.50",

"compare_at_price": null



"available": true,

"merged_options": [




"image": null,

"id": 28652161234,

"title": "M / Yellow",

"sku": "intelligent-linen-chair-m",

"barcode": "",

"inventory_management": null,

"inventory_policy": "deny",

"inventory_quantity": 1,

"price": "86.50",

"compare_at_price": null



"available": true,

"merged_options": [




"image": null,

"id": 28652161298,

"title": "XL / Yellow",

"sku": "intelligent-linen-chair-xl",

"barcode": "",

"inventory_management": null,

"inventory_policy": "deny",

"inventory_quantity": 2,

"price": "146.00",

"compare_at_price": null



"available": true,

"merged_options": [




"image": null,

"id": 28652161426,

"title": "XXL / Yellow",

"sku": "intelligent-linen-chair-xxl",

"barcode": "",

"inventory_management": null,

"inventory_policy": "deny",

"inventory_quantity": 1,

"price": "58.00",

"compare_at_price": null



"skus": [





"barcodes": [


"weight_min": 56,

"weight_max": 879,

"merged_search_engram": "dresses hermes",

"merged_rsearch": "Intelligent Linen Chair",

"metafields": [


"review_ratings": 0



"filter": {

"options": [


"status": "active",

"position": "0",

"label": "Collection",

"filterOptionId": "pf_c_collection",

"filterType": "collection",

"displayType": "list",

"selectType": "single",

"valueType": "specific",

"manualValues": [


"handle": "tops",

"label": "Tops",

"id": "357407890"



"handle": "intimates",

"label": "Intimates",

"id": "357408082"



"handle": "dresses",

"label": "Dresses",

"id": "357408018"



"handle": "swimwear",

"label": "Swimwear",

"id": "357408210"



"isCollapsePC": false,

"isCollapseMobile": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterPC": true,

"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": true,

"keepValuesStatic": false,

"activeCollectionAll": true,

"tooltip": "Test",

"showMoreType": "scrollbar",

"sortType": "key-asc",

"sortManualValues": false,

"displayAllValuesInUppercaseForm": false,

"values": [


"key": "357407890",

"label": "Tops",

"handle": "tops",

"tags": null,

"doc_count": 1



"key": "357408082",

"label": "Intimates",

"handle": "intimates",

"tags": null,

"doc_count": 0



"key": "357408018",

"label": "Dresses",

"handle": "dresses",

"tags": null,

"doc_count": 0



"key": "357408210",

"label": "Swimwear",

"handle": "swimwear",

"tags": null,

"doc_count": 0





"status": "active",

"position": "1",

"label": "Product Type",

"filterOptionId": "pf_pt_product_type",

"filterType": "product_type",

"displayType": "list",

"selectType": "multiple",

"valueType": "all",

"manualValues": null,

"isCollapsePC": false,

"isCollapseMobile": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterPC": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": false,

"tooltip": "Test2",

"showMoreType": "viewmore",

"sortType": "doc_count-desc",

"sortManualValues": false,

"displayAllValuesInUppercaseForm": false,

"values": [


"key": "Accessories",

"doc_count": 1



"key": "Dresses",

"doc_count": 1





"status": "active",

"position": "2",

"label": "Pris",

"filterOptionId": "pf_p_pris",

"filterType": "price",

"displayType": "range",

"manualValues": null,

"isCollapsePC": false,

"isCollapseMobile": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterPC": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": false,

"sliderRange": "4",

"sliderStep": 1,

"sliderDelimiter": null,

"tooltip": "This is the price filter option with Range slider",

"values": {

"max": 58,

"min": 58




"status": "active",

"position": "3",

"label": "Vendor",

"filterOptionId": "pf_v_vendor",

"filterType": "vendor",

"displayType": "list",

"selectType": "multiple",

"valueType": "all",

"manualValues": null,

"isCollapsePC": false,

"isCollapseMobile": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterPC": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": false,

"tooltip": null,

"showMoreType": "viewmore",

"sortType": "key-desc",

"sortManualValues": false,

"values": [


"key": "Hermes",

"doc_count": 1





"status": "active",

"position": "4",

"label": "Review Rating",

"filterOptionId": "pf_r_review_rating",

"filterType": "review_ratings",

"displayType": "rating",

"selectType": "single",

"valueType": null,

"manualValues": null,

"isCollapsePC": null,

"isCollapseMobile": null,

"prefix": null,

"keepValuesStatic": null,

"activeCollectionAll": null,

"sliderRange": null,

"sliderStep": null,

"sliderEnableThousand": null,

"sliderDelimiter": null,

"showMoreType": null,

"sortType": null,

"sortManualValues": null,

"values": [


"key": "1.0-*",

"from": 1,

"doc_count": 0



"key": "2.0-*",

"from": 2,

"doc_count": 0



"key": "3.0-*",

"from": 3,

"doc_count": 0



"key": "4.0-*",

"from": 4,

"doc_count": 0



"key": "5.0-*",

"from": 5,

"doc_count": 0





"status": "active",

"position": "5",

"label": "Color Option",

"filterOptionId": "pf_opt_color",

"filterType": "opt_color",

"displayType": "swatch",

"selectType": "multiple",

"valueType": "all",

"manualValues": null,

"isCollapsePC": false,

"isCollapseMobile": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterPC": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": false,

"tooltip": null,

"showMoreType": "scrollbar",

"sortType": "key-asc",

"sortManualValues": false,

"displayAllValuesInUppercaseForm": false,

"values": [


"key": "White",

"doc_count": 1



"key": "Yellow",

"doc_count": 1



"key": "Black",

"doc_count": 1





"status": "active",

"position": "6",

"label": "Color Type",

"filterOptionId": "pf_t_color_type",

"filterType": "tag",

"displayType": "swatch",

"selectType": "multiple",

"valueType": "all",

"manualValues": null,

"isCollapsePC": false,

"isCollapseMobile": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterPC": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": false,

"prefix": "color\\:",

"tooltip": null,

"showMoreType": "scrollbar",

"sortType": "key-desc",

"sortManualValues": false,

"useAndCondition": false,

"displayAllValuesInUppercaseForm": false,

"values": [




"status": "active",

"position": "7",

"label": "Stock Status",

"filterOptionId": "pf_st_stock_status",

"filterType": "stock",

"displayType": "list",

"manualValues": [


"label": "In Stock",

"key": "in-stock",

"doc_count": 1



"label": "Out of Stock",

"key": "out-of-stock"



"isCollapsePC": false,

"isCollapseMobile": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterPC": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": false,

"tooltip": null,

"showMoreType": "scrollbar",

"sortType": "key-asc",

"sortManualValues": false,

"values": [


"label": "In Stock",

"key": "in-stock",

"doc_count": 1



"label": "Out of Stock",

"key": "out-of-stock"





"status": "active",

"position": "8",

"label": "Style",

"filterOptionId": "pf_t_style",

"filterType": "tag",

"displayType": "list",

"selectType": "multiple",

"valueType": "all",

"manualValues": null,

"isCollapsePC": false,

"isCollapseMobile": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterPC": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": false,

"prefix": "style\\:",

"tooltip": null,

"showMoreType": "viewmore_scrollbar",

"sortType": "key-asc",

"sortManualValues": false,

"useAndCondition": true,

"values": [


"key": "style:Arty",

"doc_count": 1





"status": "active",

"position": "9",

"label": "außerdem",

"filterOptionId": "pf_ps_ausserdem",

"filterType": "percent_sale",

"displayType": "list",

"selectType": "multiple",

"manualValues": [







"isCollapsePC": false,

"isCollapseMobile": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterPC": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": false,

"tooltip": null,

"showMoreType": "scrollbar",

"sortType": "key-asc",

"sortManualValues": false,

"values": [


"key": "*-20",

"to": 20,

"doc_count": 0



"key": "20-40",

"from": 20,

"to": 40,

"doc_count": 0



"key": "40-60",

"from": 40,

"to": 60,

"doc_count": 0



"key": "60-80",

"from": 60,

"to": 80,

"doc_count": 0



"key": "80.0-*",

"from": 80,

"doc_count": 0





"status": "disabled",

"position": "10",

"label": "颈线",

"filterOptionId": "pf_t_",

"filterType": "tag",

"displayType": "swatch",

"selectType": "multiple",

"valueType": "all",

"manualValues": null,

"isCollapsePC": false,

"isCollapseMobile": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterPC": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": false,

"prefix": "",

"tooltip": null,

"showMoreType": "scrollbar",

"sortType": "key-asc",

"sortManualValues": false



"status": "active",

"position": "11",

"label": "Cloth Size",

"filterOptionId": "pf_t_cloth_size",

"filterType": "tag",

"displayType": "list",

"selectType": "multiple",

"valueType": "all",

"manualValues": null,

"isCollapsePC": false,

"isCollapseMobile": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterPC": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": false,

"prefix": "",

"tooltip": null,

"showMoreType": "scrollbar",

"sortType": "key-asc",

"sortManualValues": false,

"values": [


"key": "collection:tops",

"doc_count": 1



"key": "style:Arty",

"doc_count": 1





"status": "active",

"position": "12",

"label": "Test",

"filterOptionId": "pf_t_test",

"filterType": "tag",

"displayType": "list",

"selectType": "multiple",

"valueType": "all",

"manualValues": null,

"isCollapsePC": false,

"isCollapseMobile": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterPC": false,

"showSearchBoxFilterMobile": false,

"prefix": "",

"tooltip": null,

"showMoreType": "scrollbar",

"sortType": "key-asc",

"sortManualValues": false,

"useAndCondition": true,

"values": [


"key": "collection:tops",

"doc_count": 1



"key": "style:Arty",

"doc_count": 1





